Alara's Blake's Seven Page

This is actually a very pathetic and sad page indeed. However, it does have links to my two Blake's 7 works, one of which is only available in fanzines (Pat would probably be very unhappy with me if I put it on the net, seeing as how the zine is still in print) and one of which is a filk, so there's not much.

Blake's Seven Links

Judith Proctor's Blake's 7 Page: Someday perhaps I'll hunt down other B7 links. But why bother? Judith's site has it all. Information on fanzines, net fiction, and other stuff of interest to B7 fans.

Resources for the Blake's 7 Writer: Story ideas, an archive of online fiction, and the worst opening lines for adult stories ever.

Blake's 7 Online Fan Fiction Directory: A guide to what's out there on the net.

Alara's B7 Works:

"Anna": Avon/Anna, adult. Available in Straight Blake's #3, a fanzine. (The link will take you to ordering information.

Cold With The Darkness: A filk song. The tune is Sinead O'Connor's "I Am Stretched On Your Grave."

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