Vote for the 2000 Maggie Awards!

Yes, it's that time again, time to set up for the Maggie Awards.  Actually February would have been a better time, but what can I say? I'm chronically late.

The Maggie Awards are given out for the best fanfic featuring Magneto in some role. Eligibility for the Maggies is based solely on being on my archive, since if you're not on my archive and you wrote Magneto fanfic, either I don't know about you and therefore can't nominate you for an award, or you suck so badly that you're in the Hall of Shame. Mostly, of course, it would be because I don't know about you yet.

Last year I recruited three panelists from the Magneto Mailing List to go through the entire archive with me, and the four of us gave out points, which were translated into awards. This year the only stories which are eligible for Maggie Awards are new stories or stories which were unfinished at the time of last year's awards, and have updated since then. (Yes, this is a boon to slow writers. Someone needs to make an awards system that favors us... :-)) The reason for this is that it may be hard to judge an excellent first chapter as really worthy of an award, when you haven't yet seen if the author can keep it up. Or a first chapter may be very weak, but the story gets much stronger later on. So unfinished works do become eligible for awards multiple times (don't worry, very few stories actually take advantage of this.) In any case, this all means that the number of stories is much smaller and more manageable, so I've decided to handle awards in a much more democratic fashion from now on.

Below you will find a list of all the eligible stories-- all the new stories that were archived between February 1999 and our last update in February 2000. Stories going up in this update are not eligible for Maggie awards for the year 2000.

To vote, email me a ballot with the stories and points you assign. You may give from 1-3 points to stories. 1 means the story was readable and fun; 2 points means it was a pretty good story by most quality stories, and you enjoyed it and might read it again; 3 points means it was a damn good story, and you'll either read it again and again, or it was so deeply ingrained in your mind that you don't need to. You have a total of 50 points to assign; you can use them all up if you want or you can use only 5 points, it doesn't matter.

Awards will be based on point values. I'll determine what point values get what types of awards when I have a chance to see the statistical distribution of the points. If I made a determination now, I might be dooming everyone to get a Visible Light award. :-) The breaks will be based on approximately the percentage of stories which won the various types of awards last year.

I highly encourage people to send in two-line summaries of why they are giving a story the points they're giving it. Let the world know why the story was good, not just that it was. All the summaries I receive for stories that win any kind of award will be posted, anonymously.

Here are the eligible stories!


Cruising: Archived by Surisa at X-Men Slash Central. Main Character. Adult.

An older man picks up Gambit in a bar. Magneto turns up at the end.

Strange Bedfellows: Archived by Surisa at X-Men Slash Central. Main Character. Adult.

Wolverine is obsessed with confronting Magneto.


Mystery Dark Elf 3000: Archived by Anya at Anya's Home Page. Main Character.

Magneto and three characters from another fandom are trapped on the Satellite of Love and forced to read bad fanfic. Humor.

Tarot Lady: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

Magneto flees pursuers into a gypsy camp, and ends up face to face with his past.

Ascension RPG Group:

All Cry The Children: Archived by Luba Kmetyk at Fonts of Wisdom. Secondary Character.

The sequel to Prelude to Ascension.

Prelude to Ascension: Archived by Luba Kmetyk at Fonts of Wisdom. Secondary Character.

An RPG in which Doug and Warlock come back from the dead.

Lucrecia Borgia:

Layla: Archived by Surisa at X-Men Slash Central. Main Character. Adult.

Magneto and Xavier, locked in a prison cell, have an argument that leads to something else equally as heated. M/M graphic sex.

A Nunnery: Archived by Surisa at X-Men Slash Central. Main Character. Adult.

Magneto has taken refuge at Xavier's mansion, where politics, murder and sexual tension lead events to spiral out of control. M/M graphic sex.

Ryan Campbell:

Magneto's Last Stand: Archived by Luba Kmetyk at Fonts of Wisdom. Main Character.

In a world where Xavier is evil, Magneto and his Acolytes make a last stand against the forces arrayed against them.

Michele Craighead:

That Grief Can Be As Pure As This: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Secondary Character.

Charles Xavier faces his son's death. Includes small appearance by Magneto.

Crazed Weasel:

Naming of Names: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Secondary Character.

Authorized sequel to my "In Love And War." The children of Charlotte Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr flee into hiding when Magneto attacks, not knowing it's their long-lost father.

Damia Mai:

How Jubes Became a Groupie of the Great Villain 'Neto: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

TWO-SYLLABLE CHALLENGE. Jubilee joins the Acolytes. Humor.


A Companion Picture: Archived by Alara Rogers at Shifting Sands. Main Character. Unfinished, still continuing.

Sequel to "Drawn to the Lodestone Rock." Magnus and Remy set off on a quest to find Magnus' past and escape Remy's present. Meanwhile, X-Factor is coming under fire from the government that created it.

Chris Delaney:

All My Dreams Like Dust: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Secondary Character. Unfinished, still continuing.

Magneto wakes up from the mindwipe just as Avalon is being destroyed by Holocaust.


Childhoods Missed: Archived by Luba Kmetyk at Fonts of Wisdom. Main Character.

Luna plays chess with her grandfather.

Little Words, Big Lies: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.


Network: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Secondary Character.

What could be occupying the attention of Xavier, Magneto, Sinister, Stryfe, and Apocalypse? Humor.

Red Skies: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

Magneto and Rogue observe a sunset over Genosha, and have very different opinions on what it symbolizes.


The Uninvited: Archived by Alykat at Down-Home Charm. Main Character.

An uninvited guest comes to Rogue's daughter's birthday party.

Father Of Lies:

Scars: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Secondary Character.

Authorized sequel to Dannell Lites' "Life Among the Ruins." Primarily focuses on Remy and Rogue.

Eddie Glover:

Darkness Before The Dawn: Archived by Luba Kmetyk at Fonts of Wisdom. Secondary Character.

Galactus decides that with Reed Richards dead, his promise not to destroy the Earth is null and void…

Matt Hamilton:

Silver Surfer Vol. 1: Archived by Marvelite at The Silver Surfer Website. Not All Parts.

Magneto and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants come into conflict with the Silver Surfer. Most of this series does not feature Magneto, but he appears in his early villainous incarnation in issues 21 and others.

Phil Hartman:

Custody Hearings: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

Rogue comes back to the X-Men pregnant… with Magneto's child.

Jumpstart: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

The "New Son" is Charles Lehnsherr, who goes to Genosha to meet his father.

Ignition: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

Sequel to "Jumpstart". After Charles is deaged, Magneto brings him to the X-Mansion.

Inverse Polarity: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

In a universe where Magneto was never re-aged, he's a teenager in a large cast of teenage mutants.

Reverse Polarity: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

Magneto was never de-aged, he was adopted by the Summers family, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer is his sister.

SC: Electric Payback: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

Magneto loses a bet to Astra. Humor.

Jase Hawke:

CrossCurrents: Angels and Demons: Archived by Luba Kmetyk at Fonts of Wisdom. Secondary Character.

A weird sort of DC/Marvel amalgam where Charles Xavier is Batman, Professor Wayne founded the X-Men, and the two team up against Magneto and the Joker.


NesGadolHayaSham: Archived by Luba Kmetyk at Fonts of Wisdom. Secondary Character.

Kitty Pryde, Marrow and Cecilia Reyes go on a mission of mercy to Magneto's Genosha.

Obligation: Archived by Luba Kmetyk at Fonts of Wisdom. Main Character.

Magneto acknowledges an obligation to a student he failed.

Jaelle and Orla:

A Short and Somewhat Inaccurate History of the X-Men: Archived by Jaelle and Orla at Insane Musings. Secondary Character.

Gen-X decides to present a history of the X-Men, to the X-Men. Humor.

Larissa James:

The Silence I Keep: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

Shortly after joining the Brotherhood, the Scarlet Witch has a conversation with Magneto.

This Distance Between Us: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

Magneto tries and fails to connect to his son.


The End of Innocence: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character. Unfinished, still continuing.

When the space-going X-Men return and meet up with the ones left behind, the mystery of Maggott's connection to Joseph deepens…


To Guard A Gate: Archived by queenB at Itty Bitty Archives. Main Character.

Magneto deals with Charles Xavier's death in his own way.

A Touch: Archived by queenB at Itty Bitty Archives. Main Character - Joseph.

Takes place after end of "Magneto Wars." Lorna speaks to the magnetosphere... and it answers her back.


A Chance Meeting?: Archived by Ro at Ro's Treasury. Main Character.

Part of Kerri's "Souls" arc. Magneto tries to recruit Logan's immortal lover Charlotte.

Wrong Place, Worse Time: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Secondary Character.

Charlotte has another run-in with Magneto, who's crashing an FOH rally.


Crucified Dreams: Archived by Surisa at X-Men Slash Central. Main Character. Adult. Unfinished, still continuing.

Magneto is haunted by nightmares of his son's death. This is supposed to be a Magneto/Xavier slash story, but so far there's only one part and no sex in it.

Dannell Lites:

Dancing Ashes: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

Magneto hunts down an old tormentor.

End of the Line: Archived by Dannell Lites at !Magneto!. Alternate Magneto. Unfinished, still continuing.

In a Wild West setting, Jean is a prostitute and Magnus a gunslinger.

Father Figure: Archived by Surisa at X-Men Slash Central. Main Character. Adult.

Quicksilver seeks a particularly nasty form of revenge on Magneto by seducing Joseph. Adult, m/m, incest themes.

Fathers of the Atom: Archived by Dannell Lites at !Magneto!. Alternate Magneto.

An alternate universe where Magnus is one of the inventors of the atom bomb.

The Last Herald of Galactus: Archived by Dannell Lites at !Batman!. Secondary Character.

An Elseworlds tale in which Marvel and DC co-exist. Superman is a herald of Galactus, and people such as the X-Men, Batman and Magneto team up to stop Galactus from consuming Earth.

Life Among the Ruins: Archived by Dannell Lites at !Magneto!. Alternate Magneto.

An Elseworlds tale of life after the bombs fell.

Magnetic Angel: Archived by Dannell Lites at !Magneto!. Main Character.

Touched By An Angel crossover. Andrew tries to get Magneto to change his ways before it's too late.

The Music Lesson: Archived by Dannell Lites at !Magneto!. Main Character.

Sequel to "Silence" by Alara Rogers. After Magneto is deafened, Wolverine comes to visit him in exile.

Nightmares: Archived by Dannell Lites at !Magneto!. Main Character.

In Israel, Charles can see Magnus' slow spiral into madness, and can't stop it. Contains m/m relationship, not explicit.

Sunshine and Violets: Archived by Dannell Lites at !Magneto!. Main Character.

The story of Magneto's relationship with Lee Forrester.

Jessica Lonchas:

A Loss of Innocence: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character. Unfinished, still continuing.

Magneto in Auschwitz.

Dimira Marka:

Choices: Archived by Dimira Marka at Dimira's Page Of X-Stuff. Main Character.

A non-canon tale of Joseph's origin in which he is Magneto.

Beverly McIntyre:

Fortune's End: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Alternate Magneto.

The Fetterman Massacre, 1866, with X-characters.

Alicia McKenzie:

Nocturnes: Archived by Alicia McKenzie at The Dayspring Archive. Not All Parts.

When Domino was accidentally killed by Magneto in a mission against Genosha, Cable was crushed with grief. The series mostly follows Cable and his grieving process, but Magneto appears in "The Bondage of Sorrow", "The World In Shadow", and probably others in future.

Suncross and Shadow: Archived by Alicia McKenzie at The Dayspring Archive. Secondary Character. Unfinished, still continuing.

No one won Inferno, and Nathan Dayspring is a mage trying to hold off his mother's demon hordes. Magneto has a small role.


By The Banks of the Danube: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

While feeling sorry for himself, Magneto runs into a somewhat nutty young empath. Humor.

Samy Merchi:

Empath: From Russia With Love: Archived by Alara Rogers at Shifting Sands. Secondary Character. Unfinished, still continuing.

At a Hellfire Club dance, Illyana plays games with Manuel's head. Magneto appears in his role as Headmaster of New Mutants.


Yin-Yang: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Secondary Character. Unfinished, still continuing.

Charles Xavier, Magneto, Sebastian Shaw and En Sabah Nur are the evil Lords Cardinal of the Hellfire Club, bent on world domination. The only thing that stands between them and dominion over all is a small band of mutants led by a scientist named Essex...

Timo Nieminen:

Savage: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Secondary Character.

The X-Men go to investigate reports of Magneto in the Savage Land. When Storm and Wolverine are kidnapped, Rogue is left in charge. Joseph is in this story.

Doc Nuke:

A Fanficrific Christmas: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

A pastiche of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" featuring Magneto. Humor.


The Resurrection Gauntlet: Archived by Onyx at The X-Men X-Travaganza. Main Character. Unfinished, still continuing.

Sequel to "The Death of a Dream" (Secondary Character story.) The survivors of "Death of a Dream"'s climactic battle try to rebuild the world and bring about peace.

Poi Lass:

A Lampshade: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

Magneto hunts down a Nazi.


Magneto in the Y2K: Archived by Daniela Puma at No Good Mutant. Main Character.

Popular fictional characters are coming to life in the real world.

A Short Magneto Story: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

A drunk man attempting to not fall off a skyscraper provides horrified entertainment to an entire office building.

Rhiannon-Amaris and Nitemare Queen:

Tears of a Forsaken Past: Archived by Luba Kmetyk at Fonts of Wisdom. Secondary Character. Unfinished, still continuing.

A young woman who is involved with Magneto turns out to have ties to many of the X-Men in this alternate world.

Alara Rogers:

In Love and War: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

BREAKUP CHALLENGE. Sort of. If Charles Xavier had been born a woman, how might things have gone differently between her and Magneto... and what would have been the consequences had things stayed the same?

Silence: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

DISABILITY CHALLENGE. Siryn is brainwashed by Astra to attack Magneto in Genosha. This story deals with the aftermath.

XXY: Bittersweet: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Alternate Magneto. Adult.

In the XXY Universe, Carolyn Xavier and Erika Magnus had a brief affair in Israel. This is the story of how it began. Explicit f/f.

XXY: First Genesis: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Alternate Magneto.

The launch of the XXY Universe. John Grey joins X-Factor, and the team must fight Polaris (a gender-swapped Magneto.)


The Eighth Color of the Rainbow: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character - Joseph.

Rogue has an encounter with Joseph, after his transformation.

Fallen Skies: Archived by Alykat at Down-Home Charm. Secondary Character. Unfinished, still continuing.

Rogue kills Magneto. Magneto only appears in the first chapter, but his presence (and absence) drives the storyline.

Gods and Monsters: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

STORYTELLER CHALLENGE. Years after Magneto's death, he's passed into legend.


Meadow-X: Archived by Alykat at Down-Home Charm. Secondary Character.

Bloom County has crossed over with the X-Men, and no one's life will be the same. Humor.


Fortress Around Your Heart: Archived by Alykat at Down-Home Charm. Secondary Character.

A new member joins the X-Men, just in time to help the X-Men help Magneto against Nimrod.

Andrew Strassmann:

Shark Attack: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Main Character.

Charles Xavier is sued by unscrupulous lawyers. Magneto to the rescue! Humor.

Nathan Summers:

Come the Apocalypse: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Secondary Character.

The X-Men in a long, knock-down, drag-out fight against Apocalypse. Both Magneto and Joseph appear in this story.


Quake2Log: Archived by Alara Rogers at Alara's Happy-Happy Text Only Site. Secondary Character.

Sequel to Diamonde's "Network", above. Humor.

Lee Tybird:

School's In, I Think: Archived by Luba Kmetyk at Fonts of Wisdom. Not All Parts.

Pryde and Wisdom are teaching a school for the children of the X-Men. In part 5, Magneto shows up to dispute Pete Wisdom's characterization of him in class, and gets more than he bargained for. Humor.

Vision Comics:

X-Men Gold and Blue: Archived by Alara Rogers at Shifting Sands. Not All Parts. Unfinished, still continuing.

An ongoing serial about the X-Men, crossing over with the "Vision Comics" Gen-X on occasion. Joseph, as a member of the X-Men, appears in several of the stories, and hints have been dropped that he'll be eventually reverting to Magneto.

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